Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can You Say, "VICTORY!"

I can. I said it on Wednesday. Loudly. I might have woken up my husband with a victory dance. I may or may not have jumped on him while he was in bed, practically shouting, "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!" And then continued to bounce around the room in sheer joy. I just might have done something like that.

 You want to know why? Because... I. Fit. Into. My. SKINNY. Jeans! (Please, feel free to cheer as loudly as you'd like). Not just any skinny jeans. The skinny jeans I bought when I was at my pre-wedding (read: I'm wearing a fitted wedding dress and have to look amazing in it), thinnest most in-shape awesomest ever. Ever. I fit into them. And I fit into them well (at least... my husband couldn't keep his hands to himself.).

Now that, my friends, is a great feeling. It was great motivation to keep up my hard work. I have gotten up early 3 out of the 5 days this week and worked out. (That's better than nothing! And next week will be even better, just you wait!)  And the best part is, I am doing alright with the whole working out, eating right thing now. But I am only going to get better at it in the future. Really, because it is becoming a habit now.

One of the really important things I learned this week was, that even if I can't do the perfect work out I was planning on doing, I need to let it go and just do as much as I can. For example, I didn't wake up as early as I wanted to yesterday, but I got ready to run any ways. I realized that I didn't have enough time to go my full 2 miles. In the past, I would have just rolled over and gone back to bed and said, "Oh, can't do it. Too bad." (which is silly, I know)

Instead, I got up, got ready and hit the road. I only did just a little over 1 mile. But that 1 mile made a difference I'm sure. So, the moral of the story is, it doesn't have to be perfect to still help out and give a positive effect. I learned this from FLYlady. ( check it out! )

All in all, I am so happy! I know I still have a ways to go to finally reach my end goal and have my "dream body", but, at the same time, I can't remember feeling so confident in myself either. It helps that I have a husband who thinks I am beautiful and attractive. But, I am also finding that as I come to accept myself exactly as I am that I have all the confidence I need.

Of course, it helps to be confident when you're wearing skinny jeans...

Granted... I don't know how confident I would be in such bright skinny jeans as featured above... I might give it a try in a few months though. Who knows?

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