Friday, February 4, 2011

Aaaaaannnnndddd...... Starting Again

I have never claimed to be perfect. Ever. Except for that one time, and I was joking then. So, this particular entry into my online conscience is to confess. I have been a horrible, awful, no good goal keeper. Have I exercised once this week? No. No I have not. Have I been eating well? No. Actually, I've been eating atrociously. Seriously, we're talking pizza and fruit snacks. The only vegetable I've eaten was a sweet potato fully loaded with caramel sauce and melted marshmallows. Have I been trying at all?! Nope. So, here we go. Starting again.

Ever since I found out that I was losing my job, I went into over-stressed-freak-out-panic-Jeannie-mode. This mode isn't pretty. It entails constantly clenched teeth, hardly eating anything and when I do eat it is terribly unhealthy; snapping at my poor innocent husband, glaring at happy people and retreating from the world into my own secret world of books. Needless to say, I haven't been nice to anyone in about two weeks. And I have been especially mean to myself. Which is funny, considering the whole losing my job wasn't my fault at all. But... I guess if anything goes wrong I immediately begin beating myself up about it. Even if I know it isn't my fault.

So, starting today (on a Friday of all days!) begins a new start to both my goals and how I am treating myself. No more telling myself I'm not good enough, or I"m not pretty or I'm pathetic. Nope. And eating healthy, heck yes! It is time to start meal planning and buying healthy foods (hopefully my husband doesn't mind the change of menu...). It is time to start pushing myself to exercise.

This brings me to the very exciting news of a new venue of support. My dear, darling, handsome husband has agreed to coach me. He is going to help me reach that freaking 5K that is dancing so allusively in front of me. I've got this! Is he going to run me into the ground?! Most likely. Am I going to hate him at times during that run? Probably. Is it going to be awesome?!?!?! Absolutely!

So, I am going to go and start researching healthy foods and plans and figure something. I'll be honest... I have no idea where to start. If anyone has ANY ideas, please, please, please let me know. I could use the help.

And... I am also wondering how many times I am going to be re-starting. And Giving myself the same pep talks. Are you wondering how many times you are going to have to read a blog (if you so chose to keep reading this) and have me fall off the band wagon and pull myself back on again? I'll try to keep them down to a minimum, I promise. But, please forgive me if this happens occasionally. I'll get it right eventually!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my dear sweet Jeannie! I have looked forward to the latest blog for awhile! I always love reading what you have to say and today is no exception. Personally, I don't think you are starting over necessarily. You have come a very long way to get to where you are now. A bump in the road doesn't mean you have to start from square one; it just means you have stumbled a little so just pick yourself up, evaluate what went wrong, and keep going down the road. No matter where you think you've "started from", any progress is better than where you were before! So it isn't a constant starting over; you're making more progress than you realize!
    And since you asked for suggestions on healthy foods and how to change your life completely, have I got a book for you! It's Dr. Phil's "Ultimate Weight Solution" It is better than any diet/health book out there! It focuses not just on the things you should eat or what latest exercise but it involves the mental aspect many programs fail to focus on! This is a valuable treasure too priceless to pass up! It has changed my life and I know it will change yours too! *Most of the concepts in the book are already being done so it shouldn't be too difficult to use in your life and it gives a specific list of great healthy foods! I'm so proud of you for all the hard work! Keep up the good work! I love ya!
