Friday, June 10, 2011

My (Non)Shocking Lack Of Perfection

I am not perfect. Shocking, I know. But it’s the truth. I haven’t actually written anything on this blog in how long?! I know, I know… here I am, supposed to be getting rid of excuses and I can’t even keep up with my own blog. Pitiful.

BUT! I do have some good news! I am doing the Freedom Run 5K on the Fourth of July! And guess what? I am addicted to running. Seriously, it’s the best thing ever! There is no better way to boost my confidence and my self-esteem then by increasing distance or cutting my time. Of course… I am still working on the consistency thing. Why is that so darn hard?

I mean, have you ever thought about that? I LOVE to run. It makes me happy, I feel great and it makes me look good. So why is it so hard to get myself out the door to do it? I don’t even have the “it’s too cold!” excuse anymore! I am averaging running about 2-3 times a week. On a good week. I’d like to up that to at least 4 times a week. I can do it!!! Right?

In other news… My sweet hubby and I are planning an awesome vacation in August. Talk about excitement! When he asked me what I wanted to do, my immediate answer was, “BEACH!” And so, he undertook the extremely important responsibility of planning our vacation. And, he made sure there would be an incredible beach included on this grand adventure.

So what does this mean? This means, I need that beach body that closely resembles a Victoria’s Secret model. Is this achievable? Probably not. Am I going to kill myself trying? Absolutely!
And I PROMISE to post more often.

So, question, what motivates all y’all to get your franny out the door to exercise? Especially those of you with the incredible discipline  of getting up early specifically to work out? 


  1. I love it! You are sexy RIGHT NOW and I know you can do anything you put your mind too! Awesome blog babe.

  2. Oh my goodness Jeannie!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you wrote again! It's always so great to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!! I"m so glad you found a healthy addition! Running is a great thing to do and I'm glad it helps you feel better!!!!!! As with any good thing in life, there will always be opposition trying to not get us to do that thing that makes us feel good. It all comes down to choice; sometimes it takes us physically saying to ourselves "I'm going to do this" and getting up and doing it even when we don't feel like it! I know you can do it! It does take work and effort but you already know the benefits and it helps to think of how great you'll feel once you get started running! As for doing it early in the morning, if that works for you great, but for me I am not a morning person so I usually work out in the afternoon or early evening when I feel the most energy! There's nothing wrong with 4 days a week either-some people exercise everyday!
    I'm so glad you and your husband can go on a vacation! That will be such a great treat for the both of you! Am I jealous you get to go to the beach? of course but I'm more excited you'll get a get-a-way together! As for the beach body, you are gorgeous and don't need to have this fantasy about looking great when you already have an amazing beach body already! You are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got a husband who could agree with that too! *Those models don't look like that anyway in real life-airbrush techniques and computer technology make those models look tons better than they actually do*
