Behind the Blog

I started this blog because I wasn't happy with the way I looked. I had a habit of making great plans, setting high goals and never getting any where. I constantly filled my life wish excuses as to why I couldn't just do it. I was afraid of the idea that I might never actually be able to reach my goals So if I never try, then I never have to know the disappointment of failure.

This of course was absolute phooey.

Which is why I started this blog! My goal, when I started, was to be able to run a 5K. I have ran two 5K's this year, started doing yoga on a regular basis and really revolutionized my life as I started to see through my own lame, pathetic excuses. I have a long way to go, and I am by no means perfect. Some weeks are better than others. But that is what life is all about!

This blog is also a commentary on how I see life. So you might run across some posts that deal with random things, what is going on in my life and the possible rant and rave. All in all though, I try to give you the real, true, authentic, quirky me.

I have several simple philosophies about life.

1) Just Do It! Life is too short to spend all of your time wanting to do something, planning to do something and watching others do what you wish you could do. So Just Do It! I promise you'll be glad you did.

2) Love Yourself! There is only one you. You only have one shot at this life. Why waste it hating who you are? If you don't like something, change. But embrace you just the way you are. You are good enough, brave enough, strong enough and more beautiful (or handsome) than you can ever imagine.

3) No Regrets! So you messed up? Big deal. Learn from it and move on. In every bad situation, mistake, unspoken word, too many spoken words and the breaking of other people's iPods there is a gift. A gift of a lesson learned. And, you can't change the past. So let your experiences shape  you into who you are, focus on the future and don't dwell on what you can't change.

I am not perfect ( Don't worry if your mind was just blown, my husband is still recovering from this unfortunate discovery). I have a lot of things I want to work on and change. But I love celebrating all of the little things each and every day.

It's not about the destination. It is about the Journey.

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