Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Wonderful Breakthrough (After a Streak of Bad Karma)

Wonderful things have happened lately! (And I mean wonderful!) And it's about time too.... I was having a streak of rather rotten luck (car in the shop for a few days, several injuries, an incredibly traumatic dentist appointment... I could go on. But I will not depress you).

To be perfectly honest with you, I was beginning to think I had permanently broken my karma. I did not want to be the girl with the perma-bad-karma. It doesn't sound good, it doesn't look good and it certainly doesn't feel good.

Thankfully, I think its on the up and up!

You see, after several weeks of working and writing and thinking and re-thinking I have created a website that is taking off! I love it. It is awesome. Check it out: http://www.thethriftstorefashionista.com/

But that isn't the only good news, I think I have broken though a barrier of thinking that has been holding me back. Lately I have spent a lot of time reading inspirational literature, meditating, writing in my journal and practicing a mind frame of positiveness (apparently "positivity" is not a recognized word, I've been using it for years!). So what has changed?

Quite a lot. I have become a lot more accepting of myself (no where near perfect but a lot better than I was). And Saturday morning something happened. I woke up and wanted to go for a run. This is strange. Usually I have to force myself to go running. But this time I actually wanted to run.

How unusual!

I think the fact that it was sunny and things were blooming outside so invitingly really helped. I am a fair-weather runner. Running in snow is not a good thing. Running in a cold wind is also not a good thing. Running in sunshine? That is an excellent thing (I think getting a good tan is high on my list of motivators when it comes to running...)

But the real, big, awesome, HUGE change? I wanted to run for the fun of it!!!! AH! I wasn't running to feel skinnier or to feel better about myself. I wasn't running so I could eat dessert (I would eat it anyways...). I was running because it gives me this wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Because it made me feel good. Because I really like those happy endorphins.

How wonderful!

Monday rolled around and it happened again! This running for the fun of it thing was catching. And I loved it. And I pushed myself harder than if I was running for weight loss. I pushed myself because I loved the feeling of overcoming my own perceived threshold.

It doesn't get better than that.

So I invite you all to rethink why you exercise. Maybe it'll be easier with the right motivation behind it. It is certainly easier for me!

(This could also be called the post with a lot of parenthetical comments. But, then again, I make a lot of parenthetical comments in every post...)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Icky Pretzels

It's funny how a simple idea can be all consuming.... You see, I have this awesome idea in the works. It is almost finished and it has been taking up quite a bit of my time. I can't wait to share it with everyone!

But in the meantime I have let my little posts here fall by the wayside. And I have had all sorts of things to talk about! Thinks like the Humane Society and how important animal rescue and adoption is to me.

Things like the miracle that is Caramel and Chocolate.

Things like learning more about myself and pushing my own boundaries to discover what I believe about life, love and "getting by".

Things like my cat's ability to open the kitty treats (coolest thing ever... until she opened them without me noticing and ate pretty much the whole bottle and then threw up later. TMI?)

And things like partially dislocating my shoulder, jamming my foot and spraining my ankle and how frustrating the timing of that was... you know, since it is finally warm enough for me to want to exercise (something about cold weather makes me quite sluggish. I hate the cold).

But did I write about any of them? No. No I did not. So... there is a glimpse of what you would have known had I been more dedicated.

Oh well. Life goes on.

You'll live, right?

So what important topic shall I talk about it? Well I will talk about Pretzels (of course).

You see, I hate them.

Pretzels are awful. They are disgusting. Unless they are covered in caramel and chocolate (wonderful thing caramel and chocolate) I don't want to eat them. They are icky.

I can't explain it. You see, I have a bag of chex mix here at work and I am offering everyone the pretzels (and a few of the other things). And I keep getting some strange looks.... Do you ever wish you could just buy things without a certain ingredient? Like chex mix without pretzels. Or trail mix with extra M&Ms. (Extra marshmallows in your Lucky Charms anyone?!)

Maybe, someday, I will outgrow my aversion to pretzels... until then I will just make my husband eat any that come my way. He is sweet and accommodating that way.