Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flying: Much Easier than Waiting

Last night it hit me. Hard. I don't know what my biggest fear is. I'm not afraid of dying. Failure isn't an option because I will never fail as long as I do my best. Losing my husband is really, really scary. But I know that I will be with him again, and that he would help me through while I am by myself. So, what am I afraid of? Spiders? Yes. Fish? Yes. The toilet overflowing while I am at someone else's house? Absolutely. Making a complete fool of myself? Not really. Being alone? No, because I know I am never alone. So... what is my greatest fear? 'Twill remain a mystery. For what is there to really fear but fear itself? I am not perfect. I am not invincible. I am adaptable. I can come back like a rubber band stretched to its limit. Will it hurt? Yup. Will I cry and think it is the end of the world at times? Yes. But... Such is life. And I know I can handle it.

Want to know something? The world is a much brighter place when you aren't really afraid of it any more. I guess the next thing to conquer is my inability to wait for things. Then again, it would probably be easier to conquer my inability to fly....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Such thought-provoking words! There are so many things in life that we could be afraid of; watched a show once where people were actually afraid of cotton balls and peanut butter. While we laugh at that, it's a real fear for them. Our fears may be laughable to others but they are real to us. I remember when we went to Zion's together *speaking of which, we should totally plan a trip to do that with our hubbies-just a side-note* and I was terrified of the heights and at one point I almost gave up and stayed where I was at because I didn't want to fall but rather than run away from my fear I faced it head on. After that, I realized it wasn't so bad after all. Fears are like that. We are faced with them at certain points in our lives and we can either run from them or we can face them. Taking a quest to find our fear can be a scary thing when it actually comes out but if faced, it can turn into a beautiful learning experience! Great post! Good luck in your quest with facing your fears!
