Monday, December 20, 2010

Epic Fail? Not Quite.... Ok, maybe a little....

You know, after my huge schpill about not letting excuses rule my life, I'm ashamed to admit that I did not go running until Friday morning. FRIDAY?! Let me show you what happened this week:

Tuesday: My sister-in-law let me borrow Hunger Games. I sat down to eat dinner and picked up the book to read while I ate as Stephen was at work. Two hours later, my brother calls me. I hadn't moved from where I was sitting. My dinner had gone untouched. I had 20 pages left. By then, it was too dark outside to go anywhere by myself.

Wednesday: Stephen, bless his wonderful heart, gave me an amazing Christmas gift! (early, as you can see. Which is usually against the rules, but we let it slide this time because I needed what he gave me!) He had bought me the nicest running shoes on the market called Ziggs, by Rebok. They absorb a lot of the shock that comes from running. My dear husband wants to protect my already thrashed joints. His gift was very heartening. It's nice to know the most important person in your life wants to support you in your goals. Not to mention, I don't have any excuses left as to why I'm not running. BUT! I wasn't able to go Wednesday night because we ended up at the Mall, and then we ate dinner. By the time we got home, it was too late. Again.

Thursday: I was actually changing (Yay! True intent to go!) When my dearest little brother (ok, so he isn't that little) showed up at my door as prearranged. Only... I forgot. And then, my best friend and her boyfriend dropped by to give us a Christmas gift. By the time everyone left, it was not only late but I was exhausted.

Friday: I ACTUALLY RAN! But... I found out, much to my chagrin, that I am terribly out of shape. It is seriously unfortunate. For the past four months I did Yoga twice a week and Powertone twice a week. Plus, on occasions, when to the gym to the elliptical machines. Did this do me any good when I hit the pavement? Nope. Friday's training schedule was to Walk two minutes, run a minute, walk two minutes, run a minute for 30 minutes. I'll admit, I am being rather hard on myself. I wasn't dying or anything by the time I was done. I think I have a really good training program set up (if you want to find it, let me know. Its hard to explain on here) because it is trying to condition my lungs and get my heart pumping without completely discouraging me. But still... I was always really happy when that one minute was up.

However! I WILL PREVAIL! I will run this 5K if it kills me. (I really hope it doesn't kill me.... really really hope). 

Saturday: Didn't run. Saturday was actually a really bad day for me. Just one of those days where you can't climb out of the emotional turmoil that doesn't make any sense. Running probably would have been good for me at that point. You know, next time I get down in the dumps I think I'll go for a nice brisk run/walk.

So there you go, my rather pathetic attempt at last week. For this next week though, I am going to try to make it every day from now until Thursday. I might even go Christmas day... we'll see. I'm not that motivated.

Random thoughts - While sitting at Subway I had two things occupy my mind when I should have been writing. ONE: Those green signs on the side of the road that say "20 min to Lehi" and have an arrow pointing in that direction, and then "17 min to Lehi" with the arrow pointing the other way. You know what I"m talking about? Any ways, how do they know? Are they tracking cars? Have they worked out a mathematical equation that can determine, by counting cars or something, how long the drive will be with x being the minutes, y= number of cars and b= weather conditions? There is probably a very simple answer to this... but now I have to go waste time looking it up and finding out.

The second thing was, where does all the soda come from in a soda fountain? And how do they fill it? What do the containers look like? I want to go open one up and explore it now. I don't know if anyone will let me though...


  1. Yay for going running! That's a great start! It's extremely difficult esp this time of year when life gets so busy to find time to exercise but there are always excuses out there to prevent it but the good news is you are in charge of what you do with your time; sorry you felt down the other day-some days I feel that way and exercise is the last thing I want to do but after physically forcing myself to do it, I feel a ton better! I know you can do it too!
    I don't know how the highway signs calculate how many miles til a certain town but I bet it has a way to do it. As for the soda fountains, I used to work at Gandolfos' and there are boxes filled with bags of certain kids of soda syrup behind the whole fountains and they are mixed with a CO2 container to make the soda. It has to be changed once it runs out of the stuff. Usually a company brings in the boxes to whatever restaurant or food place they are delivering. Good luck with running Christmas break! I know you can do it!

  2. Jeannie, you are so cute. I love reading your blog. I've wondered the same thing about those signs that tell you how long it takes to get to Lehi if you go on the freeway or state street. I think we should figure that out. And I can explain how a soda fountain works next time I see you. I used to work for a place that had one. :)
