Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Confessions, Disclaimers and Gee Wizzes

Well here I am. After years of saying, "I should blog" I actually started one. And the start of this blog isn't that I was sitting and admiring my own thoughts, or exclaiming that the wondrous events of my life should be published for all the world to know, but that I needed someone to be responsible too or I would never actually reach all the things I want to claim as my own.

The best way for me to explain what it is I am trying to accomplish is to give a brief summary of yesterday's events. Or lack thereof. You see, I have decided to become a runner. I decide this every few months, go running a few times, and then find better things to do with my time (or so I say). The reality of it is, I am full of excuses. For example, I have found this wonderful training program at runnersworld.com for beginners that I was really excited to start. It was supposed to be started on a Monday, and I woke up telling myself, "Today is the day we begin!" But... the night before was rather sleepless. Well, very sleepless. And then I had my two hour yoga final where I twisted my body into positions I didn't know possible, and then held them for 5 to 10 breaths (for those of you who have never done this, 5 to 10 breaths is an eternity.... trust me). My body was tired, my mind was tired and.... it was cold outside. Three very valid excuses. But you see, they were excuses. And I am determined, NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!

So, first things first. 
I dream big, love planning but often scare myself with the enormity and amazingness of my own projects so they rarely get done.
I am very, very human and extraordinarily far from perfect. I have bad days, good days and days that are worse than a steady diet of vanilla yogurt. 
I would rather read then breathe sometimes. It can be an issue.
Sometimes, when my husband isn't home or isn't ready to go to bed yet, I fall asleep with a teddy bear. And I'm not ashamed to admit it (obviously).
I hate celery. 

Sometimes I say things that aren't very nice. They may be true, but tact has never been my strong point. I don't ever mean to offend anyone. I promise!
I really like using ellipsis, usually incorrectly... (See, I couldn't help it.)
I am a romantic. I am patriotic. I believe in all the good old fashioned emotions and in being passionate about things. If this annoys you... well, I'm sorry cause you are missing out on a lot of fun in life.

Gee Wizz
Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.
The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million. 
The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly. 
And two of my favorite words are : Brobdingnagian and Polypragmoisoi   

Now, if you are still with me, I would like to go into further detail as to what I really am about. I want to do all the things I want to do. Redundant? Yes. Well, I want to run a 5K (for starters) but I will never get there unless I actually get out there and consistently run. I want to finish a book I started writing, but I never will unless I actually work on it. So, I am using cyberspace and the few people who want to take the time out of their day to read this as my conscience. I now have someone I am accountable too. And I WILL accomplish my goals. 

Now, some days it might not be an update on goal reaching (or attempted reachings) but it might be on some random thought that I wanted to get out of my head and onto some form of communication. 

So, to wrap things up, I am issuing myself the challenge to stop using excuses. I will reach my goals. By June I will be able to run at least a 5K (this can and will hopefully be changed to a 10K) and by the end of this year I will have finished writing my book. Anyone else want to join me in an attempt to fulfill some dreams? I hope so.
May the Force Be With You

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! You are officially the coolest person ever I've decided! Why? You have the courage to be completely honest and just lay it all on the table! It's so true that all the motivation in the world doesn't get results; it's all in the doing! I am fully confident that you can achieve your goals! It may not seem like a big deal to run on a certain day or write anything but it's those little days that add up to the big goals we desire! Thank you for being my inspiration! I love ya!
