Thursday, August 4, 2011

"Crazy" You Say? Why Yes, Have You Been Looking For Me?

We have moved. And we are almost unpacked. Moving, though, is not good for one’s constitution. However, I believe that Stephen and I have pulled it off nicely and that we are going to love our new home.
Upon moving into the house, one of the first things I did was a load of laundry. Just out of sheer joy I had to use my very own washer and dryer! Seriously, anyone who knows what it’s like to not have a washer and dryer understands the beauty that moment.

Of course, being me and having been born under a star with a skewed sense of humor, some things went wrong. No, we didn’t lose Lulu (hm… now that I think of it, I haven’t really properly introduced that incorrigible kitty to my little online community) and we didn’t break anything of importance. But, we did kinda kill a car…
Here is what happened, Stephen and I were borrowing my dad’s small SUV to haul the trailer since neither of our cars have that ability. It had just had a new transmission put into it, and we were sure that it was going to work great (or so my dad said. And I generally trust him implicitly when it comes to cars). Well, we finally get over to my Aunt’s house to borrow their trailer (Thanks Christine and Kevin!) and they are gracious enough to help us get it all set up.
Now, it was late on a Friday night. We were definitely interrupting them, and causing everyone to be eaten alive by mosquitoes. So, they really were very, very kind. Well, we get everything hooked up, and we start to head off. I get the impression that we probably shouldn’t be on the freeway, so I suggested we take State street instead. Stephen agreed, and everything went swimmingly until we started to climb up a small hill.
The incline was gradual, but half way up everything was shaking quite alarmingly, and we had nowhere to go but the middle of the road. (You know, that lovely place between oncoming traffic reserved for left turns?) Yup. That is where we were. We put the car in park, and Stephen went to inspect. He came back and said everything looked fine.

We attempted to get out of the road only to find that we could not get the car out of park. No matter what we did, it was stuck. We called my Uncle, and he came right away to help us out. We called a tow truck because we knew we couldn’t tow it behind us when it was so very much stuck in park.
My Uncle arrived. He has some excellent knowledge of vehicles, and attempted to get it out of park. No such luck. So he got to work, hauling the trailer backwards far enough that we could connect the trailer the right way. And then getting the trailer out of the way and into a nearby parking lot.
Stephen and I waited. Waking up my poor parents (since it was their car) at around 1:00 am to ask them what they wanted us to do with the unfortunate piece of metal on four obstinately parked wheels. More waiting.
The tow-truck arrived.
Voila! The man was a mechanic. He looked at the car for about, oh, 5 minutes. Switched around some fuses and suddenly, the car was working perfectly fine. All of that trouble simply because we blew three fuses. I was annoyed. But grateful it wasn’t anything worse than that.
We finally got the trailer home (after switching my uncle cars and taking his much more reliable vehicle to haul all of our stuff to the new apartment) and it was 1:30. My brother-in-laws were coming over at 8:00 am to help us move. I wasn’t done packing. Stephen and I stayed up until 3:30 packing. He went in and fell asleep, I was awake until after 4:00.
Of course, I was up at 7:30 the next morning and started getting ready for the grand relocation. The move went smoothly thanks to my estimable and industrious husband and brother-in-laws. And, all we have left is unpacking and decorating.

I am loving our new location, having a washer and dryer and dishwasher. I am rather in love with my spacious bathroom and much cubby-holed closet. All in all, I love it!
The next few weeks are going to be crazy though. Between my brother leaving on a mission, my brother-in-law getting married, my job ending, going on a week-long vacation, starting school, finding a new job and sending my sweet husband off to training with the military for six months…. I feel like I don’t have time to breathe. 

Oh and exercise? I’ve been moving! That counts, right?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a crazy story! Glad to hear it all worked out in the end!
