Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I believe that someone needs to write a new book of etiquette for the 21st Century. The book would have to include headings such as, "How best to 'un-friend' an undesirable facebook acquaintance." And, "The Rules Of Texting: When, where and how much is acceptable during an activity." It would have to have a section on dating that would include things such as the equation for technological and in person communication: facebook chat + texting - email / face to face time to the power of skype = flirtatious understanding. It would probably include things such as, " 'Bless you' is it in or out?" and, of course, the sticky subjects such as religion, politics and "going green" would be delicately and properly thrashed. 

Am I the person to write such a book? No. I don't believe I am. In the first place, my facebook etiquette is atrocious. I have a hard time responding to posts. I forget that someone has sent me a message, and I get so bored trying to have a conversation via comments. I have facebook ADD. The reality is, I go on facebook to stalk those interesting people who do exciting or stupid things. I like to know who is expecting when, who broke up with who and sometimes even what someone ate for lunch. But only for a select few. And, surprisingly, that select few are barely acquaintances of mine. 

But, back to the book. I think it would have to address bizarre issues like, "how often is it ok to look at your phone before people think its attached at the wrist?" And the all important, "Is it cool for older generations to have a facebook account?" How soon is it ok to text someone after an awesome date without looking desperate? Are Thank You notes acceptable via email? What about via text? Is it rude to have your GPS give you speaking directions while in the car with a new/business acquaintance? 

These are questions I can not answer. I kind of wish I had known the simplicity of the "old days". I'm talking Laura Ingalls Wilder days. Days when you knew when a man was courting you because he changed out of his farm clothes, brushed down the horses and asked your father's permission to drive or walk you home from church. Days of calling cards, coming out parties and balls. 

I guess its not so bad though. I wouldn't trade in my car for a horse and buggy or my texting for a telegram. I guess everyone gets nostalgic. Though, it might be a little weird that I am nostalgic for a time period I never really knew.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are a woman of many wonderful words! That would be awesome to have a book like that (and I bet it would be a best seller for sure). Maybe in a few years someone will be on the same wave-length as you and actually write the book. In the meantime, I guess we'll just have to keep wondering what the proper things to do are. Personally, it would be nice to go back to former times just for a visit *maybe that's where a no-technology vacation comes in-where you go away from all access to computer/phone/anything new for awhile and go back to face-to-face communication* Now that would be an interesting trip!
