Monday, February 28, 2011

Disappearing Act

So... I haven't written in a while. Why you ask? Simple: Whenever life gets hard I do a disappearing act. I cut off contact from friends and family. I try to bury myself until it is safe to come out. I don't want to burden anyone else with my trouble, nor do I want sympathy. I have some serious pride issues.

What with losing my job, finding a job, learning that my new boss was expecting me to do the work of three people with hardly any compensation, quitting that job, finding a new job that couldn't pay me and now being stuck in a feeling that is getting really old... I lost touch with the outside world.

The truth is, I do this whole "disappearing act" quite a bit. Whenever I move away from somewhere, I do my best to cut off contact with the friends I left behind. Its too painful to try and maintain contact. Like I am trying to live in two places at once. And the thing is, I don't do pain very well. At least not the emotional kind. (My physical pain threshold is alarmingly high...) I am a runner. I run from the people I actually have feelings for. Its like, if I can't have them all the way then I can't have them at all. And, while I don't run from my problems, I don't like dealing with the aftermath of a sticky situation. Examples: I left Lehi to move to Spring City. Did I ever try to contact and talk with the friends I left behind? Nope. I left Spain for Orem. Have I talked to anyone since I left? Not really. I moved from Logan to Spring City, did I try and check on my old pals? Sadly, no. It seems that if someone wants to be my friend, they have to do a whole lot of work to keep track of me. And, I hate this about myself.

So, this is an apology. To all those I have left behind. To those friends who gave me love and support and then were cut out of my life. I am very sorry for all of my ex-boyfriends who thought that I could move on faster than I could tie my shoes. You see, while you thought I was moving on from you... I was just trying to save face and lose all my hurt in trying to please someone else. I rebound like nobody's business, and its just plain pathetic. So, I'm sorry. I felt for you more than you know, more than I would ever let on. I hated all the girls you dated after me. I wanted to be the one to make you smile, even while another guy was holding my hand. Messed up? You betcha. And, if I could, I would go back and let you see the heartbreak and the anger written all over my face. I would be horrified to see you with another girl, and you would know it. I'm sorry if you ever thought I was callous. And I am very sorry to all those guys I used as rebounds. You didn't deserve to be my "move along" guy. All I can say now is, thank the heavens above that some good man still saw fit to love me, even with all my flaws, and has promised to love me forever.

With the help of this loving man, I have been able to face a lot of my previous fears. I have proved to myself that I CAN RUN! And not away from my problems. I have officially ran 1.5 miles, several times over now. And every time I do it, I feel like I gain a little more respect for myself. With the help of several friends, I have come to the realization that though I have some serious issues, I'm still pretty darn cool. I am still a good friend (though not the best to many of my friends in previous spots of living) and I make wicked half-baked chocolate chip cookies. I plan to continue moving forward. And, if I can (and I won't promise anything but I will do my darndest) I will be moving forward with all my friends. That is, as long as you are willing to come with me.

1 comment:

  1. Jeannie I JUST LOVE YOU! I can't say that enough! With all the friends you've left behind, I'm so grateful you still keep in contact with me! My heart aches that you were going through such a rough time but I'm so thankful you're in good hands with such a good guy as your husband who sticks by your side! I know if I can't be there physically, he will always be there for you to help you through those rough patches you face! No matter where we go in life, you'll always be one of my dearest friends and I'm so blessed to have you as a part of my life *even if it is through texts and through the internet-it's totally worth it no matter how we keep in contact!
